It must have been amazing to see Jesus perform an exorcism. Such
a thing would be mind-blowing to witness at any time, but there seems to be
something special in the Son of God, with whom all authority and power rest,
casting out evil spirits. When we think about the exorcisms Jesus did during His
earthly ministry, we must guard against two factors that dull our senses to spiritual
reality. The first is our modern bent toward materialist reductionism. What I
mean by this is the prevailing thought, shot through our entire Western culture,
that all of reality consists, at bottom, of only matter in motion. Thinking of
the cosmos as a machine that works according to brutely inexplicable scientific
laws, fully calculable in all detail, leaves no room for anything else. Along
with this are fictional portrayals and dramatizations of the spiritual realm,
such as we find in Hollywood movies. I’m not only referring to The Exorcist
but also movies like Ghost or what is found in the horror genre or documentary
programs about the occult. Entertaining as these stories might be, they are almost
always completely detached from what the Scriptures and church teach about the
spiritual order.
Visualizations of spirits as ghastly or ghoulish substances,
devils with horns and pitchforks, and the like take us away from the reality of
the situation. Materialism and dramatization feed into our habitual downplaying
of the role of exorcism in Jesus’ ministry. You probably don’t hear many
sermons or homilies on these passages. Yet, these acts of love and compassion
were clearly very important, otherwise, we would not read about them, nor would
we see these events referred to as frequently (around 60 or so).
Jesus refers to a person being bound by a strong man. Here He
speaks in a powerful sense to the spiritual binding that shackles our souls.
This happens overtly, as in the case of outright demon possession, or covertly,
as in the case of habitual sin and impenitence. In some cases, there is no
difference. In fact, the latter might be worse. The incredible strength of the spiritual
forces opposed to God can bind us to the point where we are unable to free
ourselves. The ‘strong man’ binds us. But there is always One stronger. When
Jesus frees us, He attacks the spirit(s) that have taken hold, utterly crushing
them. He embarrasses them to the point where their armor is taken away and
distributed as a spoil of victory (cf Ephesians 4:8).
To this, Jesus adds that whoever is not with Him scatters. There
is a two-fold meaning here. The first hearkens to the idea of malevolent
spirits as those who scatter or divide. The Latin meaning devil is diabolos,
which means ‘divider’. What the enemy wants is to divide God’s people; from Him,
from themselves, and from each other. The enemy wants to scatter the flock so
that individual sheep are easier prey. The other sense of scattering is that those
not with Jesus will be scattered by Him. They will be divided against
themselves and driven into confusion and retreat. When Jesus frees captives,
the captors are scattered.
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