Friday, October 11, 2024

Gospel Reflection - Luke 11:15-26

Today’s Gospel reading clarifies the reality of evil spiritual powers that dwell in the world. We must depend on the power of Christ that dwells within us to be victorious in the bloody trench warfare into which we are conscripted at Baptism.

Exorcism was one of the primary ministries of Jesus and was also done by Jewish spiritual leaders of the time. So, in the immediate context, there arises a sort of befuddled jealousy on behalf of the crowd. They are incredulous that, on His own authority, Jesus drives out demons. Just like His preaching, the Lord Jesus spoke and acted exousia - from Himself. He spoke and it was. The demons were immediately subject to Him as the very author of their existence. 

Think for a minute about what the Bible tells us about the demonic. These spiritual creatures are more intelligent and powerful than we can imagine. They are set in only one direction, and that is violent opposition to the Kingdom of Heaven. This means that evil spirits are not going to rest until they find a base from which to work. Taking up residence in complicit places, they make fortifications. Once set, they cannot be displaced unless something - or someone - stronger comes to remove them. Jesus is the One who does this. By the “finger of God,” He casts them out. 

The great inbreaking of the Kingdom of Christ makes a spectacle of the powers of evil and darkness. One by one, grace by grace, the strongholds of the scattering and dividing forces are put into place. 

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